3-dimensional pre-loaders

Generatable CSS loaders that move in 3 dimensions

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Text to animate
First color
Second color
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How to create css preloaders
  • - Select your css animation template
  • - Set 2 colors of your preloader
  • - Select desired preloader size (sizes are set by constrained proportions)
  • - Choose your animation speed
  • - Set "Yes" in Reverse animation for backwards animation
Loading animation...
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The prefixes given are for the following browsers:
-moz- Firefox 5+
-webkit- Google Chrome, Safari 4+, Safari for IPhone, other browsers with webkit prefix
-o- Opera 12 - 12.10 (not including 12.10)
-ms- Internet Explorer 10 (initial versions)
No prefix Opera 12.10+, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 3.7+, Safari 4.1+, iOS3.3+, Android 2.4+, Google Chrome
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Include prefixes:
The prefixes given are for the following browsers:
-moz- Firefox 5+
-webkit- Google Chrome, Safari 4+, Safari for IPhone, other browsers with webkit prefix
-o- Opera 12 - 12.10 (not including 12.10)
-ms- Internet Explorer 10 (initial versions)
No prefix Opera 12.10+, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 3.7+, Safari 4.1+, iOS3.3+, Android 2.4+, Google Chrome