AJAX loaders generator in pure CSS and HTML

Select a desired category and generate and/or copy the loader code

Spinners Spinning loading indicators, or so called "Spinners" in pure CSS and HTML
Horizontal bars Horizontal bar animations run through the means of CSS and HTML
3-Dimensional 3D animated AJAX loaders in CSS and HTML format
Miscellaneous Loading animations in CSS and HTML that do not fall into any other category
Animated text Custom text animated with the means CSS and HTML

Newest CSS loading animations

Text to animate
First color
Second color
Get code
How to create css preloaders
  • - Select your css animation template
  • - Set 2 colors of your preloader
  • - Select desired preloader size (sizes are set by constrained proportions)
  • - Choose your animation speed
  • - Set "Yes" in Reverse animation for backwards animation
Loading animation...
Copied... Copied... Copy HTML Copy CSS
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The prefixes given are for the following browsers:
-moz- Firefox 5+
-webkit- Google Chrome, Safari 4+, Safari for IPhone, other browsers with webkit prefix
-o- Opera 12 - 12.10 (not including 12.10)
-ms- Internet Explorer 10 (initial versions)
No prefix Opera 12.10+, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 3.7+, Safari 4.1+, iOS3.3+, Android 2.4+, Google Chrome
Select all
Include prefixes:
The prefixes given are for the following browsers:
-moz- Firefox 5+
-webkit- Google Chrome, Safari 4+, Safari for IPhone, other browsers with webkit prefix
-o- Opera 12 - 12.10 (not including 12.10)
-ms- Internet Explorer 10 (initial versions)
No prefix Opera 12.10+, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 3.7+, Safari 4.1+, iOS3.3+, Android 2.4+, Google Chrome